Minor Website Revamp

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag website

Mixxx Logo

If anyone reads our developer's mailing list, you might know I'm not a huge fan of SourceForge. We've been planning for months to move away from it, and today we've taken a big step in that direction. Our website is now located at: www.mixxx.org

We've also started using our new logo, created by Paul Bloch of OpenArtist. He's quite talented, and is working on a more thorough overhaul of the Mixxx website to be launched sometime in the upcoming months.

Among the new changes to the website are our new forums, and our new (and faster) Mixxx Wiki. We're looking forward to helping the community grow on the new forums.

Lastly, we're going to be using our Launchpad page's bug tracker from now on. It's much easier to use, and isn't cluttered with 10 megabytes worth of flash ads like the old one. :)


Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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