Mixxx 1.6.0 Release Code-a-thon

Date Author Adam Davison Tag 1.6, 1.6.0, release announcement

It's hard to believe it's been over a year since the release of Mixxx 1.5.0, our last stable release. However, we're pleased to say that we're now nearly ready to bring 1.6.0 out of beta .

As part of the final push to get the release done, we're planning a whole day coding/fixing/testing session next Tuesday (the 29th) . Most of the development team will be on our IRC channel (#mixxx on irc.freenode.net) and everyone is invited to come and join us. Whether you want to help write code, help test the release as it comes together, dj up some tunes for the development team or simply come and watch, everyone is welcome and there will be plenty to do, even for non-technical people. Things should start around 10am in Europe and run through to the evening in the Americas.

Look forward to seeing you there,


Adam Davison
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