Mixxx T-shirt contest until Dec 15!

Date Author Pegasus Tag merchandise, tshirt, contest

Mixxx T-Shirts

Hello everyone!

While we're hard at work on Mixxx v1.9, we're going to order a batch of Mixxx T-shirts for you to buy but we need something cool to put on them. The plain Mixxx logo would look awesome, but we wanted to open this up to you, our users and fans to see what you come up with that might be even better. The winning design will end up on the shirts and the submitter of the winning design will receive one shirt free! So here are the rules: PLEASE READ!

  • The name "Mixxx" must be prominently displayed (but feel free to stylize it however you want)
  • No obscene, profane, offensive or violent graphics or text. (We want Mixxx to inspire good feelings. If you wouldn't show it to your grandmother, don't submit it.)
  • All artwork must be original (and/or you must own the rights to use and submit it (and be able to prove it.) If you're not sure or don't have proof, don't use it.) Of course you have permission to use the Mixxx logo.
  • All submissions become property of the Mixxx development team
  • Feel free to submit as many designs as you like
  • The shirts will be printed in full (process) color, so use as many colors as you like
  • File format: anything The GIMP or Inkscape can open (SVG or other vector format preferred)
  • Size: 12.00" x 12.00" or 305mm x 305mm or 2100 x 2100 pixels
  • Resolution : 175 DPI
  • Specify the background color of the shirt: White, Gray, or Black
  • Send your submissions in an E-mail message to D.J. Pegasus: spappalardo atnospamplease mixxx.org
  • The last day for submissions is December 15, 2010 (by 23:59 UTC+1)

High-resolution logos are available on our press page .

The Mixxx development team will review the submissions and will post them for public voting on our forums or blog to determine the winner.

Thanks for your attention and good luck!

(Also see the forum post on this topic for the most up-to-date information.)

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Mixxx Core Developer
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