Mixxx T-shirt contest

Date Author Pegasus Tag merchandise, tshirt, community, contest

OK everyone.

The submissions for the T-shirt contest are below. Unfortunately, it seems most of you are much more interested in buying a shirt rather than designing one, so we have only two entries, only one of which is an original design. That said, it's great design, and so we'd like to congratulate Joe Colosimo for his winning entry!

Because one of our developers is going get some stock and handle t-shirt orders for us, we'd still like to know if just a plain Mixxx logo would be a more popular choice. So please take a look at the designs below and cast your vote!

Voting is open until January 10th .

Without further ado, the entries. (Click on each for a larger version.)

Entry #1 (Default):

Entry 1a Entry 1b

Entry #2 (Design by Joe Colosimo): Entry 2

Which Mixxx t-shirt design would you prefer?

Which Mixxx t-shirt design would you prefer? 1. 2. [View Results](http://flisti.com/10424/results)
Which T-shirt size do you need? - - - - - [View Results](http://flisti.com/10422/results)

Thanks for your attention!

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