Mixxx 1.9 Now Available in the Mac App Store

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag 1.9, 1.9.0, macos


The Mixxx Development Team is pleased to announce that Mixxx 1.9 is now available for Mac OS X through the Mac App Store!

We're excited to be one of the first open source applications in the Mac App Store, andĀ gratefulĀ for the opportunity to share Mixxx with an even wider audience. This new release brings improved iTunes integration, and exclusive to the App Store, a new audio decoder that harnesses Core Audio to bring M4A playback support to Mixxx.

A full release announcement including a list of changes included in 1.9 will be posted in the next few days, as we're still finalizing Windows and Linux packages. We're also putting our build server to good use these days, and will have an update on that project soon. Stay tuned!

Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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