Surprise! Release Candidate 1

Date Author RJ Ryan Tag 1.12, release announcement

Hi Mixxx-heads,

Are you ready for a surprise?

The Mixxx 1.12 beta period has been going quite smoothly and we're almost ready to launch this baby. This release packs a punch. It's our single biggest release ever and adds more headline features than we've ever put in one release. We decided that it was time -- time to drop the "1.1" (it's cleaner):

Mixxx 1.12.0 will be... Mixxx 2.0!

We've been working towards this release for many years now. But we still need your help to make this our best ever.

We need your help translating and testing.

Today we're releasing Mixxx 2.0 Release Candidate 1. If all goes according to plan, we're going to get some more testing in from the community and have Mixxx 2.0  ready for all of your New Year's Eve parties!

Please help us out!

Download Mixxx 2.0 RC1 Now
Available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Help Translate Mixxx
In order to make this release rock in every language we need your help with translations! This is the first release we are offering translations of the Mixxx manual in addition to the app itself. We are currently in dire need of translations for Spanish, Chinese and Japanese (among many other languages).
Check out our Transifex page  and internationalization wiki  for details on how to get started.

Call for Controller Presets
Support for MIDI/HID controllers is historically one of Mixxx's biggest weak points. If you have built a controller preset for a device, please consider submitting it for inclusion in Mixxx as a community-maintained preset! Check out the guide on our wiki for more details.

Bugs and Feedback

You can help improve Mixxx by  reporting any bugs you find . Your feedback  plays a crucial role in Mixxx's development cycle, and even filing a quick bug report makes an important contribution to the project.  We want to hear from you! Please send us feedbackfile a bugwrite us an emailpost to the forums , or chat with us. .

Join Mixxx
We're always looking for new contributors who are interested in working on Mixxx. If you're a hacker, artist, or translator and want to work with a creative, enthusiastic team, hop on our IRC channel (#mixxx on Freenode ) or sign up for our developer mailing list .

RJ Ryan GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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