Google Summer of Code 2007 Mentors Summit

Date Author Adam Davison Tag gsoc, gsoc-2007

Two weeks ago, Albert Santoni (gamegod) and myself (Adam Davison) were at a conference at Google wrapping up the Google Summer of Code programme. For those who don't know, the goal of the scheme is to pay students to work full-time on open source software like Mixxx. This year was our first taking part and our students worked on lots of things which you'll be seeing more of as we start the 1.6.0 release cycle.

The conference was a great opportunity to meet people from other projects trying to solve the same problems as us. Much of the discussion was about the programme itself and how to get students to engage and so on. However, there was also plenty of more general discussion on topics such as cross-platform development and support for sound hardware which was extremely useful. Hopefully this kind of inter-project cooperation will prove beneficial for Mixxx in the long term.

Anyway, it was interesting to see Google's offices, where apparently some people work such long hours that they provide a laundry service. We couldn't resist the obligatory photos with a Google sign:

Adam Davison Albert Santoni Adam Davison (top) and Albert Santoni (bottom)

Adam Davison
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