Articles tagged with gsoc

Google Summer of Code 2013 Projects!

Date Author RJ Ryan Tag gsoc, gsoc-2013

The Summer of Code is upon us! Google has just announced  which students Mixxx has accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2013  program. Students were competing for one of four slots awarded to Mixxx by Google. This year we received a high volume of applications from many skilled students …

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Google Summer of Code 2012 Projects!

Date Author RJ Ryan Tag gsoc, gsoc-2012

GSoC 2012

The Summer of Code is upon us! Google has just announced  which students Mixxx has accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2012 program. Students were competing for one of four slots awarded to Mixxx by Google. This year we received a high volume of applications from many skilled students …

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Google Summer of Code 2011 Projects!

Date Author RJ Ryan Tag gsoc, gsoc-2011

The Summer of Code is upon us! Google has just announced which students Mixxx has accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2011 program. Students were competing for one of three slots awarded to Mixxx by Google. This year we received a high volume of applications from many skilled students …

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