Mixxx in Google Summer of Code 2008!

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag gsoc, gsoc-2008


Google has just announced the participating mentoring organizations for Google Summer of Code 2008, and Mixxx has been accepted for our second consecutive year!

The Google Summer of Code program allows students to receive a $4500 USD stipend for writing code for an open source software project over the summer. Students can apply by writing applications to the mentoring organizations (like us) via the GSoC 2008 web app . For more information about how GSoC works, please see the program FAQ.

Last summer , Mixxx had three students working on various projects. Micah Lee improved our BPM detection algorithm by replacing it with a better one and refactoring a lot of code. Pawel Bartkiewicz worked on adding LADSPA support to Mixxx, and Nathan Prado spearheaded our library improvements. While not quite every detail was finished, all three projects were a success on the whole and Mixxx is much better thanks for these students' participation through Google Summer of Code.

This year, we've got a new list of ideas up on our wiki, and we're looking forward to seeing what other projects potential students can come up with. This is going to be an interesting summer for Mixxx, as the pace of development usually picks up in the summer and our community is really starting to grow. So if you're a student who wants to get involved with Mixxx, go ahead and apply!

Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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