Google Summer of Code 2008 Projects

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag gsoc, gsoc-2008

Today, Google announced the students that have been accepted into the Summer of Code 2008 program. We received many good applications from students who were competing for one of four slots with Mixxx. Due to the volume of high quality applications, we had to make some tough decisions, but after more than a week of deliberation, we are excited to introduce our Google Summer of Code students for 2008:

  • Tom Care - Implementing an improved MIDI control system
  • Russel Ryan - Creating a new Waveform View
  • Zach Elko - Crash Recovery
  • Wesley Stessens - Internet Broadcasting

Tom Care's project aims to improve our MIDI support by, among other features, creating a MIDI learning feature that will allow new MIDI mappings to be constructed easily from within Mixxx.

Russell Ryan's project involves rewriting our waveform view in a more modular way and adding support for extra visuals such as better beat marks and timbre information.

Zach Elko will explore a graceful crash recovery mechanism for Mixxx in order to minimize any potential disruption during a performance. Zach is also going to explore some preventative measures to improve our testing, such as constructing a stress-testing robot that will allow us to find bugs faster.

Finally, Wesley Stessens will improve Mixxx's internet broadcasting code by writing an improved broadcasting engine, including an internal MP3 encoder.

Together, these projects are going to make for an exciting summer and have the potential to improve our users' experiences with Mixxx. In the meantime, we're continuing to press onwards to 1.6.0 beta3 and the final 1.6.0 release. We've been fixing bugs day and night since the last beta release, and we'll post an update when we're nearing the next one. Stay tuned!

Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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