Mixxx 1.6.1 Released!

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag 1.6, 1.6.1, release announcement

Hot off the heels of our last release comes Mixxx 1.6.1, bringing a handful of new features and bug fixes.

Screenshot of Mixxx 1.6.1

Some of the more important changes are:

  • The waveform view now zooms instead of speeding up when the pitch is adjusted. This allows the beat ticks to align when songs are beatmatched, and was a feature request we heard many times after the 1.6.0 release.
  • FLAC support for Windows users! (Another much requested feature, and you can thank Michael Pujos for his hard work on this.)
  • Fixed a problem where the waveform view went unresponsive (thanks to Mark Glines for the patch)
  • Properly read artist and title names from FLAC files (another one from Mark)
  • Fixed drag-and-drop on Windows with the "Simple" display mode.
  • Fixed a Hercules RMX problem with its MIDI mapping.
  • Fix for songs with short artist names.

We've also had some mild success with M4A/AAC support, but it's still going to be a while before that feature makes it into a release unfortunately. We're also still working on our OS X 10.4 (Intel) package still, but we do have an unsupported OS X 10.5 package for PPC available for download here.

Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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