Mixxx with the Stanton SCS.3d and SCS.1m

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag hardware, video

Sean Pappalardo's been busy again, this time working on support for the Stanton SCS.1m and improving our existing support for the SCS.3d. In this first video, Sean explains some of the neat features he's coded like fader-start, real-time feedback using the SCS.1m LED digit displays, and lots of other bells and whistles.

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In this second video, Sean demonstrates some of the new features he's implemented since he made his original SCS.3d video, including the new vinyl platter mode and VU meters.

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Our improved SCS.3d and SCS.1m support will be available for everyone to play with in our next beta. In the meantime, current hardware owners can still use their controllers with Mixxx 1.7.0 Beta1 , but they'll have some extra to look forward to in our next release.

Speaking of which - Since our recent beta, your bug reports have provided us with important feedback that's helped us discover, fix, and prevent several problems. We've now identified a handful of remaining issues that we want to tackle, and once they're fixed, we'll either release another beta or a "release candidate". We've also completed a preliminary round of planning for Mixxx 1.8, but we'll save that for another blog post. Stay tuned!

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Mixxx Core Developer
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