Mixxx 1.7.1 Released!

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag 1.7, 1.7.1, release announcement

Mixxx 1.7.1

The Mixxx team is proud to announce the release of Mixxx 1.7.1!

Download Mixxx 1.7.1

This bugfix release is a recommended upgrade for all users of 1.7.0, and fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed a memory leak causing degraded performance during long sets.
  • The headphone "main" cue now takes master balance into effect.
  • Fixed a rare issue with the Hercules DJ Control MP3 on Windows.
  • Some Stanton SCS.3d bugfixes and improvements to the SCS.1m mapping

We're also still hard at work on our next major release, Mixxx 1.8.0. We've just about wrapped up development of looping and are still hacking away on our overhauled library. Check out the screenshot below for an exclusive preview of our brand new looping controls, and stay tuned for more news about Mixxx 1.8.0!

New looping controls in 1.8.0

*A sneak peek at the new looping controls featured in the upcoming 1.8.0 release *

Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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