Mixxx in Google Summer of Code 2010!

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag gsoc, gsoc-2010

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Mixxx has been accepted as a mentoring organization into Google Summer of Code 2010!

Google Summer of Code is a program that provides students with a stipend to work on open source software over the summer. Students from all over the globe are matched up with mentors from participating organizations and gain real-world software development experience while working on cool open source projects .

If you're a student with C++ experience, an interest in DJing, and enthusiasm about open source software, then we encourage you to apply to work on Mixxx for the summer! Mixxx is a great opportunity to gain useful experience not only with open source software development, but also with multithreading and realtime multimedia applications.

Mixxx previously participated in Google Summer of Code in 2007 and 2008, and saw the success of several projects like the new waveform widget, improved BPM detection, and our first library overhaul. We have an enthusiastic team of mentors supported by a great community of artists and developers, and we think we've got an intriguing list of project ideas for this year.

So how do you get started? Check out the official Google Summer of Code 2010 site, including the FAQ and program timeline to make sure you're eligible and available for the duration of the program. Please note that the student application period is from March 29th through April 9th . Next, take a look at our GSoC 2010 Project Ideas page and if you'd like to discuss any of the ideas with our mentors, check out the contact information on that page and get in touch!

We're very much looking forward to introducing Mixxx development to a new batch of students this year, and if you're interested on working on Mixxx, we hope to see your application!

Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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