Google Summer of Code 2010 Projects

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag gsoc, gsoc-2010

The results are in! Google has just announced which students have been accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2010 program. This year, we received many very good applications from students that competed for one of three slots with Mixxx. Due to the volume of applications we received, the application process was highly competitive and we had to make some very tough decisions.

After two weeks of deliberation, we're pleased to introduce our Google Summer of Code students for 2010:

  • Bruno Buccolo - Effects Units based on existing LADSPA Integration
  • William Good - Digital Vinyl System (DVS) / External Mixer Mode
  • Ryan Baker - Sampler

Bruno Buccolo 's project involves developing an innovative user interface and control scheme for effects. During our past work on LADSPA effects, we discovered that creating a good user interface with MIDI control would require both more effort and clever thinking than we anticipated. This project aims to simplify effects management and make controlling effects live easy.

William Good will be working on an "External Mixer" Mode to enhance Mixxx's usability with hardware setups. This project will make it easier to connect your hardware mixer to Mixxx and aims to simplify Mixxx's user interface for vinyl control users.

Last but not least, Ryan Baker will develop a sampler allowing DJs to trigger sounds during their DJ sets. A sample bank can increase your flexibility when DJing by allowing you to layer drum loops additional buildups into your mix.

These projects are going to make the Summer extra exciting for our development team, and we hope to give you something to look forward to in a future release! In the meantime, we're fixing bugs in 1.8 and we hope to have an even better Beta 2 release for everyone to play with once we finish up. With 1.8.0 around the corner and some great projects lined up for the Summer, it's an exciting time for Mixxx!

Albert Santoni GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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