Mixxx accepted for GSoC 2020!

Date Author Jan Holthuis Tag gsoc, gsoc-2020

Mixxx has been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2020, a global program that aims to bring more student developers into the world of open source development.

This means that students have the opportunity to work on Mixxx full-time as a 3 month programming project and receive a stipend sponsored by Google. For more information, check out the Google Summer of Code FAQ.

We have prepared a list of GSoC 2020 Project Ideas for Mixxx and added it to our wiki, but we're always interested in new ideas. Taking a look at our GSoC advice page is recommended if you're planning to apply. The best way to get started is to participate in the Mixxx community, so have a look at our GitHub repository and consider making a small code contribution to show that you're able to familiarize yourself with our codebase. The application period is March 16 - 31, 2020.

Past GSoC projects include Live metadata output and effects customization. A complete list can be found at our wiki.

If you're interested in hacking on Mixxx this summer, become a part of the Mixxx community and apply starting March 16th!

Jan Holthuis GitHub profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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