News and Announcements

Website Redesign

Date Author Jan Holthuis Tag website

As you probably already noticed we facelifted our Website, gave it a more modern look and cleaned up the code. We will continue to update and improve its contents in the next weeks in joyful anticipation of the soon-to-be-released Mixxx 2.3 beta version.

Stay tuned!

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You don't need to pay for Mixxx!

Date Author Jan Holthuis Tag license, contribute

Over the past few years there have been multiple instances of sellers that distribute paid boxed versions of Mixxx on eBay and Amazon. While it's not illegal to do this per se, we are not affiliated with these sellers and neither earn money from this nor endorse this in any …

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Mixxx 2.2.3 released

Date Author Be. Tag 2.2, 2.2.3, release announcement

Mixxx 2.2.3 has been released. Download it here.


  • Don't make users reconfigure sound hardware when it has not changed #2253
  • Fix MusicBrainz metadata lookup lp:1848887 #2328
  • Fix high DPI scaling of cover art #2247
  • Fix high DPI scaling of cue point labels on scrolling waveforms #2331 …

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Mixxx 2.2.2 released

Date Author Uwe Klotz Tag 2.2, 2.2.2, release announcement

Mixxx 2.2.2 has been released and is available on the download page.

This release includes many stability and usability fixes. Please note that we had to disable writing of file tags for .ogg files with the current TagLib version 1.11.1 that would otherwise corrupt your precious …

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