News and Announcements

Boston Mixxx Meetup -- Tonight at 9pm!

Date Author RJ Ryan Tag community, event

Calling all Boston-area Mixxxers -- tonight we're hosting an impromptu Mixxx user meetup care of the Redhat conference that's in town this week.

Join us at the World Trade Center at 9pm tonight to hang out with other Mixxx users and developers. We'll have a bunch of gear to play with …

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Google Summer of Code 2011 Projects!

Date Author RJ Ryan Tag gsoc, gsoc-2011

The Summer of Code is upon us! Google has just announced which students Mixxx has accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2011 program. Students were competing for one of three slots awarded to Mixxx by Google. This year we received a high volume of applications from many skilled students …

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Mixxx T-shirts - ORDER NOW!

Date Author Pegasus Tag merchandise, tshirt

A big thanks to everyone who voted in our T-shirt contest!

A couple people suggested using both designs, and that's what we're going to do! (It makes the shirt more expensive, but we think it's worth it.)

Front Side

Back side

Sizes available:

  • Small (34-36" chest, 27" length)
  • Medium (38-40" chest, 29" length)
  • Large …

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Mixxx T-shirt contest

Date Author Pegasus Tag merchandise, tshirt, community, contest

OK everyone.

The submissions for the T-shirt contest are below. Unfortunately, it seems most of you are much more interested in buying a shirt rather than designing one, so we have only two entries, only one of which is an original design. That said, it's great design, and so we'd …

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